(Acrylics: 14x11)  

I kept thinking of the boy sitting in the tree the next day after the dream. Sitting quietly at my desk, I closed my eyes and concentrated on walking through my mind to find those long ago memories searching for clues regarding the mysterious boy in the tree. As I uncovered long ago memories of that desert house and my family… one memory after another…I began to feel a sinking sensation. I felt myself spiraling down into a deep darkened hole. Struggling to climb out, to bring myself back, I began to know that the boy was me and I began to realize a bit of why, as a boy, I was sitting alone in the tree. I began to feel painful pangs of hurt only a child can feel that emits from not understanding what has taken place. In my mind I panicked. I just couldn’t stand it any longer and struggled hard to climb out of the darkened hole. Concentrating on nothing else, I found the way out of the hole and walked out of my mind. This painting led to the painting Walking Out.

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