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(Acrylics: 24x30)  

It was a day filled with issues and problems to be solved from the past, present, and even into the future. I went to bed exhausted wanting to sleep so I could escape for a few hours. As I lay in bed, I kept running things over and over in my mind searching, analyzing, looking for solutions.

I wake up in the middle of night. I decide to go out to pace the patio, and the walkway. I feel the urge to get away. I decide to fly to free myself from it all. I soar up into the sky and it is glorious. I love to fly.

Without any warning, I feel a tug as if someone is pulling me down. I look down and around but can't see anything or anyone. I begin to fall losing the ability to fly. Am I going to die, I wonder. I struggle to stay aloft but it is futile and I continue to fall. Suddenly, I see a Pathway ahead that seems to be lit just for me and I fight successfully to regain my ability to fly. With renewed strength, I fly straight toward and into the Pathway and I feel safe.

I wake up and realize I have been dreaming. I begin to paint Pathway in my mind until a very peaceful sleep overtakes me.

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Site and Images by: W. Okanovic