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(Oil: 24x30)  

I woke up one night in the middle of the night. It was pitch black in my bedroom. There was no light of any kind. I could see nothing. It was quiet, very still, deathly still. I wondered if I had died during the night. I wondered if this was what death was like when it came in our sleep. Not sure if I was dead, I forced my legs to move slowly under the blanket. They moved. I shut my eyes as tight as I could then reopened them hoping to see some form of light. The Silhouette is what I saw when I opened my eyes and, at first, I thought it was a bird but then thought differently. I shut my eyes tightly again and held them tightly for a time. When I reopened my eyes, the Silhouette was gone but the light of night had returned and it was distinct around the slider. I could also hear the sounds of the night. I realized I had awakened in a dream believing I was awake only to really awaken out of the dream. I began to paint the Silhouette in my mind until sleep overcame me once again.

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Site and Images by: W. Okanovic